Crockpot Rhubarb Sauce /Compote

Slow Cooker Rhubarb Sauce Recipe
With Strawberries and/or Bananas

Here, below, are TWO Crockpot Rhubarb Sauce / Compote Recipes.

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The one rhubarb sauce is made combined with strawberries, the other with strawberries and bananas, to make delicious rhubarb toppings for ice cream, pudding, cheesecake, pound cake and more!  

These sauces can be served warm or cold for an extra special dessert with rhubarb! 

You can use fresh OR frozen rhubarb and strawberries to make these delicious rhubarb recipes in the slow cooker.

Note - If you are using frozen rhubarb, thaw it the evening before, on the counter, in a sieve over a bowl, and discard the excess liquid, or add it to a smoothie or other drink!

Homemade Rhubarb Sauce Topping on Ice CreamYummy Rhubarb Sauce Topping on Ice Cream

If you're like me, you probably don't use the slow cooker or the crockpot as often as you really could; here are recipes to put your appliance to work for you!

If you prefer a Rhubarb Sauce made with no sugar for diabetics or those requiring a sugar-free diet,

GO to Sugar Free Rhubarb Sauce/Stew

Treat your family to something "different" for dessert ... they'll be glad you did!

Recipe #1 -
Crockpot Rhubarb Sauce with Strawberries


6 cups chopped fresh or frozen rhubarb , thawed, about 1" pieces
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar, or to taste
1 tsp. grated orange rind, optional
1/4 tsp. ground ginger, optional
2 cups quartered fresh OR frozen strawberries
1 cinnamon stick or 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 - (of 85 gram pkg.) strawberry flavoured gelatin ("Jello")


Add all the above ingredients to the slow cooker or crockpot and stir to combine.

Making a Recipe for Strawberry Rhubarb Crockpot Sauce

Cover, and cook on low or medium for about 3 - 5 hours.

Remove cinnamon stick, turn off heat, and stir.

Slowly stir in the flavoured gelatin powder.

Rhubarb Sauce /Compote Recipe made In the Crockpot

Allow sauce to cool and gel for about 1/2 hour.

Serve warm or cold.

Homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Sauce Topping Recipe #homemaderhubarbsauce #rhubarbandstrawberries #strawberryrhubarbcompote
#rhubarbcentralHomemade Rhubarb Strawberry Sauce

This Rhubarb Sauce is delicious as a side dish for any type of dinner menu, (remember rhubarb is a veggie), or use this sauce to top pudding, ice cream or yogurt.


Store left-overs in the refrigerator.

Recipe #2 -
Crockpot Rhubarb Recipe  
with Strawberries and Bananas


6 cups chopped fresh or *frozen chopped rhubarb, thawed, about 1" pieces
2 cups quartered fresh OR frozen strawberries
3 ripe bananas
1/4 cup granulated sugar, or to taste


Add all the above ingredients to the slow cooker or the crockpot, and stir gently to combine.

Cover and cook on medium or high for about 2 - 3 hours.

Remove cover, turn off heat, and whisk to combine until a smooth consistency is achieved.

Serve warm or cold.


Store left-overs in the refrigerator.

You can also use these delicious, homemade rhubarb sauces to make a rhubarb yogurt parfait - sooo yummy!

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